Tales From the Road
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here. If you are reading this, thank you. This website and this blog has been something I have wanted to do for a very long time.
What you’ll find here, are stories and musings from moments I find beautiful in my life, and a place for my writing to live. Whether that is travel stories, or just thoughts and moments from my day-to-day life. Most of these tales will not be grand accounts of scaling massive mountains as the sun rises over the top and angels sing from above (although I hope there will be some of those as well), but more of the quiet moments that could go by almost unnoticed.
These tales are very well going to go out of order, jump all over the place, and might not make any sense whatsoever. But I hope to tell a story through this blog. One built on beauty, laughter, sorrow, longing, and everything that makes us human.